Problem Statment
A stack is given. Sort the stack such that the top of the stack has the greatest element.Input Format
10 2 45 3 7
Output Format
45 10 7 3 2
1.Create two stack ( s1 , s2 ) and a temporary variable (temp)
2.The original stack (s1) should be greater than 0
3.Assign temp to the top element of the original stack , then push temp value into the another stack s2.
4.Now, again assign temp to the next top element of the original stack
5.Check if the temp value is greater than the s2
6.then push the temp value to original stack s1
7.Else push the temp value to s2
8.Return s2
def sorted(s):
s2 = createStack()
while(isEmpty(s) == False):
# pop out the first element
temp = top(s)
# while temporary stack is not
# empty and top of stack is
# greater than temp
while(isEmpty(s2) == False and
int(top(s2)) < int(temp)):
# pop from temporary stack and
# push it to the input stack
# push temp in tempory of stack
return s2
def createStack():
s = []
return s
# Function to check if
# the stack is empty
def isEmpty( s ):
return len(s) == 0
# Function to push an
# item to stack
def push( s, item ):
s.append( item )
# Function to get top
# item of stack
def top( s ):
a = len(s)
return s[a-1]
# Function to pop an
# item from stack
def pop( s ):
# If stack is empty
# then error
if(isEmpty( s )):
print("Stack Underflow ")
return s.pop()
# Function to print the stack
def display(s):
for i in range(len(s)-1, -1, -1):
print(s[i], end = ' ')
# Driver's Code
s = createStack()
push( s, str(4) )
push( s, str(7) )
push( s, str(10) )
push( s, str(9) )
push( s, str(1) )
push( s, str(11) )
print("Sorted elements are: ")
sort_st = sorted ( s )