SCI-20 Winner

Competition information

  • Category: Opensource Competition
  • Organizer:Student Code In
  • Topic:Survival Analysis, Nelson Aalen Estimator, Lifeline & COX Proportional Modeling.
  • Competition date: June, 2020 - Aug, 2020
  • Competition URL: SCI-20

This was an open source competiton to start working on a variety of extremely challenging and concept building project with Student code-in.
The projects are build considering the vast field of open source.
I have got selected in this program aas a contributor and worked for the "Survival Analysis" statistical model, that can be used in different industry sectors like medical trail or customer survival, sales etc.
I have designed the EDA for the given dataset, ideated and designed a python script for Nelson Aaelan Estimator and worked on deployment of the EDA model using Dash. Got selected as the top 25 contributors of the entire competition.