Problems On Array
The following section contains the problem names along with their explanations.
Click on the card you want to view.
Find Duplicates
Find one number that repeats in linear time
Find Transition Element
In a sorted array containing only numbers 0 and 1,get the transition point efficiently
Wave Array
Given an array of integers, sort the array into a wave like array
Median Of Two Sorted Arrays
How to find median of the given two arrays, which are sorted ?
Add One To Number
How to add 1 to any number using array? We are not using any arithmetic operator for the addition.
Maximum Absolute Difference
You are given an array of N integers, return maximum value of the absolute difference
Maximum Minimum Sum
Can you find the maximum and the minimum element with the least number of the comparisions?
Merge K Sorted Array
Given K sorted arrays each with N elements, can you
merge them and output the sorted array.
Rain Water Harvesting
Non Negative integers, elevation map and a bar amount given, find the maximum
First Missing Integer
Given an unsorted integer array, find the first missing positive integer.
Missing and Repeating
Can you solve this classic Array Puzzle to find the missing integer ?
Tic Tac Toe
Have a look at your childhood tic tac toe problem !
Find the Fine
Find the Fine collected from odd-numbered cars on even dates and vice versa.
Convert array into Zig-Zag fashion
Rearrange the elements of array in zig-zag fashion.
Find Missing And Repeating
Find Missing And Repeating elements in the array.
Two numbers with sum closest to zero
How to find two numbers with sum closest to zero in the array
First Repeating
How to find the first repeating element in the array ?
Remove Duplicates
How to remove duplicates in an array ?
Sort Array(special)
Sort an array in a special manner ?
Union of Array
How to find the union of array ?